Friday, March 14, 2014

Human's Greatest Fear....Snakes

Introduction To Snakes

Snakes are , in many cases, dangerous limbless reptiles that are ready to strike at any given moment. However, not all snakes are dangerous.  In fact, some snakes are actually helpful to us. They eat many unwanted bugs , insects, and rodents. We also make shoes and other clothing from snake skins. Did you know that there are over 2500 species of snakes? And out of those any snakes, only a few are poisonous. But don't take snakes lightly. One bite of a venomous snake can actually kill a human. 

Where Do They Live?

Snakes everywhere from the harsh, hot deserts to the icy cold mountain tops. In fact, snakes live on every single except Antarctica! They are made for this type of weather. Some snakes have thick skin and live in burrows. This is to protect them from the icy cold water. But, some snakes have a thin layer of skin and sleep under the shade of a bush. This is because they need a little shade to cool them off from the steaming hot weather of a desert.

Poisonous Snakes

Out of over 2500 snakes, only about a mere 400 are poisonous. However, some of these 400 are proven to be fatal to humans. Only one bite can painfully kill a human. However, nearly 85% of snakes are nonpoisonous. These nonpoisonous snakes can cause some pain when they bite, but they will not kill. So do not worry, these snakes won't kill you. 


In summation, there are many types of snakes out there. They live in various different places like in deserts or forests. But, they are also suited for that life. For example, snakes who live in the cold have thick skin and live in burrows to protect them from the cold. In addition, there are more than 2500 species of snakes in the world. But, some snakes are poisonous. In fact, one bite of a poisonous snake can kill a human if not treated properly. But 85% of snakes in the world are not poisonous. So, do not worry, but be watchful and careful. 

A Question and Comment

Question-Have you ever encountered a snake? How did it feel? If not, then how would you feel?

Comment-I think and prefer to stay away from all snakes at all times. After all, I don't want to be bitten by a snake.

Scary, isn't it?

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