Sunday, March 23, 2014

China's Beloved Creature......The Dragon


A dragon is very powerful legendary and mythical creature. There are two dragons that distinctly relate to 2 cultures, the European dragon and the Chinese dragon. However, in this blog, I will specifically talk and explain the background of the Chinese dragon. Chinese dragons are thought to be very strong mythical creatures in the Chinese culture. They are also thought to have auspicious powers. Chinese people also compare excellent and intelligent people to a dragon. In fact, the Emperor of China almost always uses the dragon symbol to show his power.


The Chinese dragon is usually depicted as a large snake, sometimes also seen with wings. According to "Dragons have different shapes and sizes when it comes to their bodies. They can be very small to enormous, typical type of body or an unusual type of body. There are some characteristics that are common to all Dragons as in all have scales and a tail, those too might differ slightly but are common. We all know of the common western dragon with 4 legs, tail, scales and sometimes horns, spikes and barbs. Not all western dragons have wings, but most do. They come in different colors depending on their species, habitat and clan. . It's uncommon you'll find Blue dragons in a desert.". 


The Chinese dragon, as I said before, is thought to be a powerful creature with auspicious powers. These great powers make people think highly of the Chinese dragon. People in China think of the Chinese dragon as a great and powerful creature with immense strength. People in China also compare smart and intelligent people with the Chinese dragon. This shows that the people who have been compared with the Chinese dragon are smart and are given high respect. In fact, the Emperor of China uses the symbol of the Chinese dragon to show his immense power and great bravery.


In summation, the Chinese dragon is a very powerful creature. It has a unique appearance, and many people think of it as a powerful creature who is given great respect in China. People compare it to excellent people who are above the rest and smart and intelligent. Chinese Emperors also use the symbol of the Chinese dragon to show their great an immense power and bravery. This is because the Chinese dragon, as I have said before, is a respected creature with great power.

Question and Comment

How would you describe the Chinese dragon?

I think that the Chinese and European dragons are very different with different backgrounds.

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